The Future of Steel Recycling in Perth: Trends and Predictions

At C.D. Dodd, we worked hard for over 50 years to establish ourselves as a leader in steel recycling in Perth. 

A lot has changed in that time. But it’s nothing compared to what the next 50 years will bring.

As we look at the technology, trends and market dynamics that will reshape steel scrap recycling in Perth over the coming decades, we see emerging opportunities and challenges that matter today.

We may not be able to predict the future – but we can ensure we’re part of it.


Current trends in steel recycling

Australia’s metal recycling industry has grown steadily so far this decade. 

Nationally, the industry is worth an estimated $4.3bn and employs over 2,000 people. Growth averaged 1.8% over the last five years. 

There is not ‘one thing’ that has contributed to this steady and sustained growth. Steel recycling is a complex business. It’s a combination of technological advancements, shifting market demands and sustainability initiatives. 


Technology trends

Several tech innovations are becoming standard in Perth steel scrap recycling facilities: 

  • Sensors monitoring metal quality and quantity are getting more accurate
  • Automation Processes are integrated with manual processes where possible to enhance safety measures and minimise risk, leading to more efficient and cost-effective materials sorting
  • Specialised software provides end-to-end benefits, including inventory management, routing optimisation, traceability, compliance and security

Weaving technology into every part of our business has enabled C.D. Dodd to continually deliver safer, faster and more valuable solutions. 

Technology will advance rapidly from here, especially in real-time data analytics, automation and AI. We’re already planning to invest in some of these innovations and investigating the feasibility of fringe technologies.


Sustainability trends

Sustainability has always been central to our business model. We have well-developed processes to reduce our environmental impact, conserve resources, and divert waste from landfills:

This focus has intensified recently as national emissions targets encourage greener actions in steel scrap recycling.

One big step forward for sustainability in steel recycling was the NSW Environmental Protection Agency’s Proposed minimum environmental standards for scrap metal facilities.

The proposed standards cover everything from scrap metal storage to wastewater handling, chemical control processes, battery handling and noise control.

Although the standards have not officially come into force, they are becoming the national benchmark for best practices in our industry. 


Global market trends

Our relative proximity to rapidly developing economies, and established links with powerhouses like China and India, make Perth a popular exporter of scrap steel.

That means fluctuating metal prices and evolving international trade policies impact the industry, for better or worse. 

As an internationally connected business, we feel the effects of global economic conditions and supply chain challenges. However, we are also fortunate to have strong relationships with Australian steel manufacturers. 

Overall, global market trends have impacted our steel scrap recycling business in Perth by encouraging diversity and agility. This makes us resilient to volatility and reliable for key trading partners.


The future of steel recycling in Perth

At the same time as efficiency, intelligence and sustainability improve in Perth steel recycling, our offering is poised to become more critical than ever in a changing world.

The outlook for steel scrap recycling is promising for companies that invest now in future-ready solutions.

At C.D. Dodd, we’re keeping a close eye on emerging opportunities. Making smart and sustainable decisions today will ensure we’re still here in another 50 years.


Growth potential

Steel scrap recycling is a growth industry. One recent analysis forecasted the global market to grow by 4.9% (CAGR) to 2033. Demand could tip over 1,000 million metric tons early next decade.  

Booming construction in developing economies, household appliance manufacturing, automotive production and increased pressure to use recycled materials are the main drivers of this growth.

Lithium-ion battery recycling is another significant growth area. End-of-life vehicles are already a steady source of scrap steel. With the electric vehicle market set to explode, we expect to see more automotive steel and Li-ion batteries flowing through our facility and more demand for safe battery recycling solutions.

Perth’s steel scrap recyclers have several opportunities:

  • Leverage existing infrastructure to expand steel scrap recycling capabilities
  • Build our reputation as an exporter of high-quality recycled steel
  • Invest in battery recycling technology and process improvements 
  • Forge strategic partnerships with suppliers, especially in the automotive sector

Grasping these opportunities will take collaboration between Perth steel recycling leaders like C.D. Dodd, local and international partners, policymakers, and technology providers.


New challenges

The outlook for steel recycling is exciting, but there will also be challenges to overcome in the coming decade.

These are both new and not new. The main factors are technology, sustainability concerns, economic factors, regulatory restrictions, and increased competition in a globalised market.

  • Stricter environmental regulations will force steel scrap recyclers to improve emissions and waste handling
  • Rising costs (materials, energy, transport and labour) put pressure on recyclers to find safe, cost-effective solutions to stay viable
  • Global supply chains face disruption from international conflicts and economic volatility
  • Technology adoption is critical but costly, especially for small businesses
  • New players in the recycling market could disrupt existing businesses

Steel scrap recycling has always faced challenges. At C.D. Dodd, we have succeeded for over 50 years by adapting and investing in tested solutions. We’re wary and watching – but quietly confident we are ready for the challenge.


The circular economy

Policymakers, consumers and corporations are increasingly demanding that materials be sustainably sourced and processed. 

This is great news for the circular economy, a concept we strongly support. Reusing or recycling end-of-life products reduces the demand for resources at every stage of the manufacturing process.

We see several opportunities for steel recycling in Perth to become a bigger player in the circular economy:

  • Provide more infrastructure for battery and e-waste recycling
  • Invest in technology to sort and recycle valuable materials, including precious metals
  • Forge strategic partnerships to supply high-quality recycled steel to local manufacturers
  • Educate local communities on the importance of responsible recycling
  • Establish benchmarks or credentials for environmental responsibility 

Actions we take at home, together with local communities, commercial partners and policymakers, will strengthen WA’s position as a global leader in sustainable steel recycling.


Leading the way for steel scrap recycling in Perth

As we look towards the future, C.D. Dodd remains committed to leading the change in steel recycling. 

By investing in innovation, holding ourselves to high sustainability standards, and building collaborative partnerships, we aim to shape a future where steel recycling thrives in Western Australia.

We have a lot of work to do, but it’s worth it.

After all, we’re not only a steel scrap recycler. We’re part of the community.

Join our Facebook community for regular updates or contact CD Dodd to discuss your scrap steel recycling requirements.

Let’s get started


Gate 1, 521 Dundas Road, Forrestfield WA 6058


Lot 109 Bedrock Turn, Gap Ridge Estate, Karratha WA 6714

Port Hedland

10 Trig Street, Wedgefield WA 6721


1 Coath Road, Kalgoorlie West WA 6430